Wilde Hilde Day Care Centre Stuttgart

Up to 145 children from the age of one- to six years sing, play, laugh and learn in the 11 groups which make up the “Wilde Hilde” Day Care Centre. Around 60 children thereof, between the age of one- to three years are in the “Kleinen Hilla” Crèche at the “Wilde Hilde” Day Care Centre. While almost 85 children between the age of two- and six years play and learn in a mixed-aged group in the “Grosse Hilde” Day Care Centre. We are one of the most internationally shaped Day Care amenities for children with a representation from up to 40 nationalities, i.e. one-fifth of all world nations.
The facility is open Monday to Thursday from 07.00 – 17.00 and on Friday from 08.00 – 16.00h. The Crèche (children between the age of one- to three years) is open, Monday – Friday, from 08.00 – 16.00h.
Families can choose a daily care timeframe between seven and ten hours, from 07.00 – 17.00 (Friday until 16.00), whereas a daily care timeframe of 7 – 7.5 hours is available from Monday to Friday from 08.00 – 16.00h in the Crèche. Care time options that are considered unsatisfactory at the beginning can be improved over a period of time by moving up the waiting list. The Day Care Centre is closed 23 days in the year.